In Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy, which I am reading in one of my classes we often talk about the distinction between musicians and philosophers. Music, often inspired by muses who have no idea what they are saying will, by appealing to emotion, make you suffer worse; as opposed to philosophy personified, who tries to get Boethius through a rough time by reason alone. For Boethius, the poets don't really know what is going on too often. The same notion rings true much earlier in Plato's Apology; however, whatever some musicians may know, I really like Wilco. Their music is beautiful and more, very Stoic. Upon interview, songwriter Jeff Tweedy told Pitchfork magazine, in relation to their album Sky Blue Sky, that its first track "Either Way," is about a relationship that is endless. "The song tries to express some acceptance of the idea that we don't know what is really going to happen...more accepting of ambiguity."
I linked y'all to a youtube video. Enjoy it!
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