When we mentioned Agora again in class it reminded me of a priest, Fr. Barron, who acts as sort of an apologists to Catholicism. He talks about Agora, but more specifically he focuses on the blatant anti-Catholicism of the movie director. It sort of mirrors what was going on in the age of the early Church fathers. For the third time in history (Post-Reformation through Enlightenment being the other) blatant anti-Catholicism is acceptable, leading some like Fr. Barron to call it the last acceptable prejudice. But it is interesting that this period has more in common with the first: many different sides are coming down on the Church (mostly from the atheists now-a-days though) and religious sentiment of both periods are more like each other than the other.
Agora is such a great movie to match this modern sentiment of hatred towards Catholicism and even Christianity in generally. This period is taken by the director and twisted to match his own version of Christianity: people that are ignorant and destructive. While the Christians at that time certainly were not the best (indeed at no point in history has it ever been clean), the director makes it seems as if they are beasts.
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