Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last Blog

This semester i learned a lot in Hellenistic Philosophy. I have a greater appreciation for Hellenistic philosophy after taking this course. When you go over the several schools and movements during this time period you become to understand the importance of how relevant some of these concepts are to fundamental questions and every day life. All of these philosophies were about praxis. They strive to achieve happiness by making their philosophy a way of live. Going over Christianity during the end of the semester from a philosophical perspective was very intriguing. I honestly was ignorant of the the fact that paganism does not necessarily believe they are polytheistic. It also makes since to me that Christianity is one in plurality. Once again in St. Austine's writings its evident that happiness is pivotal. Happiness for Augustine is contemplation of wisdom. This is where you can see a Hellenistic aspect in religion. Thus, showing how i have come to understand the importance and foundations of many concepts in philosophy. Hellenistic philosophy was far from an age of decadence, yet it was an age of revolutionary thought from ancient philosophy. Thank you professor Layne. I really enjoyed this class and learned a lot. I wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors.

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