The ancient Greek philosophers...remained more faithful to the Idea of the philosopher than their modern counterparts have done. “When will you finally begin to live virtuously?” said Plato to an old man who told him he was attending classes on virtue. The point is not always to speculate, but ultimately to think about applying our knowledge. Today, however, he who lives in conformity with what he teaches is taken for a dreamer. Kant
Friday, May 6, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Agora and Modern Atheism
When we mentioned Agora again in class it reminded me of a priest, Fr. Barron, who acts as sort of an apologists to Catholicism. He talks about Agora, but more specifically he focuses on the blatant anti-Catholicism of the movie director. It sort of mirrors what was going on in the age of the early Church fathers. For the third time in history (Post-Reformation through Enlightenment being the other) blatant anti-Catholicism is acceptable, leading some like Fr. Barron to call it the last acceptable prejudice. But it is interesting that this period has more in common with the first: many different sides are coming down on the Church (mostly from the atheists now-a-days though) and religious sentiment of both periods are more like each other than the other.
Agora is such a great movie to match this modern sentiment of hatred towards Catholicism and even Christianity in generally. This period is taken by the director and twisted to match his own version of Christianity: people that are ignorant and destructive. While the Christians at that time certainly were not the best (indeed at no point in history has it ever been clean), the director makes it seems as if they are beasts.
Last Blog
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
As I Go Back
Old synopsis
Class Synposis for 4/6/11
How can we think without intentionality? Isomorphism—identity between subject and object. This of intellection is Isomorphism, and due to this we can’t think of intellect as discursive reasoning. Discursive reasoning causes a subject-object split, but through intentionality we are always intending or projecting towards an object.
Solution to the subject object split may be found in a pre-reflexive object. The pre-reflexive object becomes object of reflexive cogito that tried to get to the objectiveless-intetionless.
We talked about Gnosticism and what it means and how it perpetuates the subject object split within one’s own self. Basically, it is the belief that the world is through and through evil. Prison for transcendent selves. All spirits are imprisoned by the world, and in a similar sense imprisoned by the body. The split between an evil body and a transcendent spirit are seen as illusory according to Plotinus. For Plotinus, the idea of waiting for spiritual being is ridiculous. World is valuable—salvation is in us—up to us. Only you can save yourself! Body is not inherently bad. We must turn inward—when turning outward you can’t help make a subject object split.
Plotinus’ critique of discursive thinking can be split into two factions: conceptual alterity and ontological. Conceptual alterity (otherness)—words—“this is a desk”—conceptual thining of difference. Differences can be seen in our conception of justice and how it differs from our conception of love. You can see the conceptual intellectual differences, and within these differences you can see multiplicity in difference—make logical/conceptual distinctions. Within this logical/conceptual distinction between plurality you can find a way to also find unity in the differences.
Discursive reasoning makes differences. The Intellect is not in time—time is a measurment/difference between past, present, and future. Truth as pure presence is non-discursive. How can I get to the non-discursive truth? Through experiements that force subject and object to becoe one. Imagine the world—translucent sphere with all contents, experiences, stimuli, whatever else in a succinct form. Where is the self to be found in this? Where are you? You are forced to see that you are the orb, the thing made. Only upon reflection does the I ever surface. When you are reading this synopsis you are no thinking, “I am reading a synopsis,” you are just doing it. If someone were to come up and ask you what you were doing, then you would “procure your I” and say, “I am reading this synopsis.”
We are both the producer and the produced. Contemplate yourself as the totality of things. Exegesis is an attempt to get to non-discursive reasoning.
There is rhetoric of immediacy. I can’t express it because when I do it, it is mediated either through words or sense perception. Everything is immediate through mediation. How is it that you get the words? Something that is a unity is not reducible to letters. This is basically a confirmation that the One is ineffable and any attempt to get to it fails due to the fact that we must mediate all experiences through our own experience.
Unity makes the one possible. Existence would not be without unity. I assented to the one and it brings us back down. Mystical union with the One—some time outside of time. Whole of time preserved with mystical union of the one.
Thinking and being are the same. The symbol is the relationship. It isn’t just a metaphor; it must be a concrete reality. In a sense, all gods are symbols for some to get to the One. An example in class used to express the importance of the ineffable was Love. Problem when thinking of loved one as object. Love happens where there is a unity. Two people made one (hopeless romantics). The idea that not talking when you are with your lover—union with the one. Maybe this is true, but it seems that talking presupposes not talking and vice versa. The ability to be comfortable with one or the other seems to me to be dependent on how much talking or non-talking was going on before any “comfortable” silences.
A Republican Democracy based on Liberal Philosophy
I have seen many people celebrating the death of Bin Laden, the terrorist who was responsible for the event of 9/11 and the death of hundreds of American citizens, but in reality was killing him morally just? In the news reports it was said that he was given a chance to surrender and that he refused to do so, therefore the fire fight began. But, in other reports we are told that Bin Laden was never given a chance to surrender, the ideas wasn't even in any ones mind, the order were to find him and kill him before he got away. In the first situation we can say that it was just that he was killed because he was given a fair chance to surrender and be brought to justice through trial and refused it. But, in the second situation we cannot justify killing him because He was not given an opportunity to be judged for his actions and be punished in other forms; he was violently killed by our government. I believe that the question of whether or not he was given a chance to surrender has nothing to do with moral justice, only justice in the sense of earthy justice which is based on whether things seem fair or not. I believe that it was morally just to bring Bin Laden in to face a punishment that was equal the pain he caused others and from the American point of view, and from the Aristotelian point of view, it was just to bring him in because he was a terrorist that threatened the well being of the whole. But, no matter which way I look at it I can't back up his killing. I believe that what we did was punish him in order to find revenge. This is more along the lines of what Nietzsche was talking about in his Genealogy of Morals: Bin Laden is in debt to us for what he has done, we are helping to cure our suffering by killing him, we are finding closure, therefore killing him was the morally just thing to do.
we are all computers.
“All human beings from birth onward live to the realm of sense more than to the Intellectual.”
The above was a quote said in class while discussing the Intellectual-Principle and how it is “wise without intermission and therefore beautiful of itself.” But my main point here is not to talk about the Intellectual-Principle ( I would if I thought I had a proper understanding of it) or about the sense (because I feel that everyone knows what the sense are and how to : feel, taste, see, hear, smell). My point in this blog is to discuss the accuracy of this quote. It is very much true that human beings are more in tuned with what is physically around us because those things are easy to understand. The things that are hard to understand, such as the intellectual, we tend to ignore because they intimidate us. They make us feel as if we are losing control of the situation. I believe that humans are more comfortable with the senses because they aren’t ‘lying to us’, ‘what we see is what we get’, and so on and so forth. Yet, what we don’t seem to understand is that everyone perceives things differently; this is why we have likes and dislikes. The senses, in a way, are not the most accurate. We cannot control our sense, but only perceive what they are telling us; we are just computers saving information onto our hard drives.
I wrote this a while back and came across it when looking for my blogs. I read it and thought that it sounded pretty funny because I could actually see someone taking all these steps to think about something. And then I thought about the Skeptics and the concept of epoche (or suspension of thought).Critical thinking is a mental process in which an individual obtains information regarding a topic and makes a logical association between that topic and their own belief. This being said, one can compare the concept of critical thinking to gathering flowers for an ornate arrangement. This task is complicated because one must first decided for what event this arrangement will be made; for not all flowers are appropriate at all gatherings. In this way critical thinking develops. Critical thinking is complicated in that it has many varied parts to the process. The first step in critical thinking is to decide which topic you will be thinking about and what stances there are in the discussion of this topic. You must decide which view of the topic fits your style of thinking best. By doing this you have eliminated many of the inappropriate assumptions that you might develop if you would have analyzed the topic from randomized viewpoints contrary to your own. After this one must find which flowers would survive best in the surrounding in which they will be placed; whether this means a table in a vase or a wreath or some other sort of adornment. Then one must progress to the task of gathering the flowers for this presentation. They must be varied, because you do not want make the arrangement colorful and you do not want to discriminate against a specific species of flower. These flowers must also complement each other in order to make the arrangement fit some sort of order. When complete, the final arrangement must be pleasing to you, because if it is not, then there is no point in putting together this arrangement.
I wrote this a while back and came across it when looking for my blogs. I read it and thought that it sounded pretty funny because I could actually see someone taking all these steps to think about something. And then I thought about the Skeptics and the concept of epoche (or suspension of thought). It’s strange to think that there were individuals that at one time took the time to stop and think because it seems like now a day we just act on impulse and desire. I feel like the concept of stopping to think involves nothing more than just working the idea over in your mind as you are putting it to action.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Class Synopsis 4/27
Eclecticism which characterized the Hellenistic period, allowed the borrowing from each and every philosophy that which is good and incorporating it with one’s own belief. This attitude encouraged the rise of Christianity as a philosophy, not a faith. Essentially, Christianity was initially advocated as a philosophy (through the Word) which encompassed all philosophies, by claiming that Christianity contained the revealed the complete truth about knowledge (available for everyone). With Epicureanism the need for friendship was mirrored in the formation of the Brotherhood in Christianity, and the concept of discussing faults or wrong beliefs was transformed into Confession. More importantly the idea of a founder or Savior (a sage) of Christianity was Christ, like Epicurus for Epicureanism. Stoicism asserted that logos was found in everything (the universe is rational) and Christianity’s aim was to defend itself through logic. The final push came with Neo- Platonism when Plato’s demand for the supersensible above the material was satisfied by Christianity showing that Christ (the ineffable one) was the perfect God. Everyone had access to this personal relationship, this true path to transcendence.
Saint Justin Martyr (who was initially a pagan) became one of the first Apologists, studied various Greek philosophies. Aristotelian philosophy was too materialistic for him, Pythagorean philosophy was took too long to reach the truth (polymathea). Neo-Platonism suited Justin the best because the concept of the Ideals and universals (forms) was appealing. Contemplation (turning inward) was key to finding the good, the goal of human happiness (Eudaemonia) which is the ultimate goal of philosophia. But the problem of the immortality of the soul (in Platonism) is solved by Christianity as the Grace of God allows for the creation and maintenance of the soul. This is what convinces Justin to convert to Christianity and devote his life to spreading the Word.
Christianity was competing with Paganism, by showing that it was a monotheistic religion, not polytheistic (the pantheon of Roman gods). However, the Pagans believed that multiple gods could be worshipped by realizing that all were connected to each other (unity through plurality). This is not polytheism, but henotheism. Then the Christians were opposed against henotheism, but this is contradictory because the Trinity (Tertullian) has the three components of the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost which unite to represent Christ.
Class Synopsis 2/28/11 (Never Posted it to Blog)
To begin class, we talked about sensation to presentation to concept. What makes for a good assent to knowledge is a cataleptic presentation, but there is also a non-cataleptic presentation. Whereas a cataleptic presentation deals directly with a real object, non-cataleptic presentation does not precede from any real object and/or fails to agree with other judgements of an object. To clarify what a 'presentation' is exactly, we talked about a presentation as something that the intellect does. Every thing, every experience, is conceived by the intellect in different ways. This can be done immediately or indirectly, through inference. In experiencing something, such as coffee, we have an immediate and direct relationship between our sensation and our intellect. Upon drinking coffee, we can come up with the concept of sweet. These concepts are immediate in the sense that we do not need to taste sweet twice in order to possess the concept of sweet.
Indirectly, however, our intellect works in three ways. In resemblance, our intellect can take the image of a singular man or woman and move to the concept of humankind in general. We may not have direct sensory experience of man or woman, but we can still have the concept of humankind. In composition, our intellect can put two immediate experiences together in order to form a new concept. For example, Dr. Layne said that we may have the experience of a fish and a different experience of a woman, but we can conjoin both fish and woman to conceive of a mermaid. Lastly, we talked about analogy, through which our intellect adds or subtracts something from a concept in order to create an entirely different concept. If you add height and weight to a human, for instance, one is able to conceive of a giant. We also talked about the concept of tabula rossa-that we, as humans, are born with a blank slate. We do not, therefore, have any innate concepts within us, they are merely imprinted on us at an early age.
Furthermore, we discussed language and thought within Stoic philosophy. Although we can conceive of universals, such as manhood, that does not mean that these universals are corporeal. Our language, although it refers to real things, is not corporeal in itself. Thus, the meaning of my sentence is not real, but the references that I make are very real. In order to be real, a body must be able to be act and to be acted upon. Being is always and solely corporeal. Thus, the meaning of our language is not real
To continue, we moved from logic to physics. Dr. Layne stated that the Stoic physics is through and through materialistic and corporeal. Being is body, so the soul, God, good, and wisdom are also body. Virtue is a body because it makes us act. Sadness, for example, calls me to act-I cry when I am sad. We can easily see the roots of medieval philosophy within Stoic physics in talking about matter and form. Body is, for the stoics, both matter and form. Form, for the stoics, is the active principle of nature, whereas matter is the passive principle. Although we can logically distinguish form from matter, one can not exist in the world without the other. These two principles of matter and form are the basis for the Stoic physics as a pantheistic monism. We talked about how, because form is in everything, God is in everything and is everything. As previously mentioned, God is corporeal, and God's being as corporeal explains how everything is in everything-rendering a complete and total mingling of bodies.
To conclude, we continued to talk about God and nature. Phusis, or nature, implies both matter and the intrinsic agent of form which gives purpose and telos to all things. Here, we are able to see a complete rejection of Epicureanism. The stoics believe in a complete teleology, that all beings are innately moving towards their goal or purpose. God, who is phusis, is also logos, thus he is our principle of intelligence, and his pneuma, or spirit, extends through the universe with different intensities. I'm not entirely sure what that means, because this is where our class ended, so… hopefully we will learn more on Wednesday.
Today in class we talked about Augustine, and more generally about Hellenistic cultural influence on Christianity. The question, “what is the motivation of Christian Aplogoists” was raised, and the notion that the conversion of Hellens into Christians might have politico-ideological undertones was something we should be contemplating. Who do you need to convert to make your religion as widespread as possible? The politicians of a certain land! This need to be in constant discourse with the intellectuals of a certain community arose a few times throughout the lecture. What is the point of being an apologist if not to corroborate the universality of Christianity? By seeing the logos in Socrates we find an affirmation of Christianity, through the use of rhetoric no doubt, but still in this we find how Christianity is not exclusive but all inclusive—the only religion.
We started to talk about the distinctions between MONOTHEISM and HENOTHESISM. We find this difference come from the contrasting of a definite one (monotheism) and one in plurality (henotheism). Within all Hellenistic philosophy there is a sense of a ONE, and the way we reach this one typically takes into account the unification of plurality—finding an indefinite one. This underlying affinity towards a one was appropriated into Christianities rhetorical attack against the polytheism they claimed Hellens believed in, which clearly has problems. The Greek desire for unity, which we can see in their conception of the gods as all being a part of Zeus, or the idea that all comes from chaos—we get a unity amongst plurality.
Exegesis of text was one important aspect of the Hellenistic tradition adopted by Christianity. Importance of exegesis as a spiritual exercise manifests itself in the homilies of today—the synthesis of the Old and New Testament to show the unity between the two and ultimately the unity of Christianity. The homily is for intellectual exercise, but in our contemporary society people tend to experience a priest going off on tangents about abortion or the death penalty. Once this breakdown of intellectual exegesis occurs we start to run into the problems of the contemporary Christian—lack of faith. It seems to me that such a simple understanding of scripture can only relinquish the community into a group of solipsistic fundamentalists.
We then turned to Augustine and mentioned some of the influences of Hellenistic philosophy on his own writings. The notion of confession is one such idea that has Epicurean roots. Pleasure of the moment through confessing your deeds, the idea of being clean again and eternally in the present moment is one such idea that influenced the way Christians now view confession. Christianity added the feeling of guilt to be a motivating force behind confession. Guilt of the present moment—the sinfulness of the human being—marred by sin is another idea that has roots in Proclis and the fall from the One. Confession for Augustine is a spiritual exercise.
The story of Augustine stealing peaches was an example used to show a typical human impulse that we all can relate to when we think of our own self. We have all probably had a moment where we did something we knew we shouldn’t do, but the very act of doing the wrong thing was what we desired instead of the end result itself. The idea that Augustine stole the peaches not to fulfill his need to eat, but as a need to fulfill his desire to do “hood rat things” as Latarion Milton would put it. This notion of doing things for the very reason you know you shouldn’t be doing them is an interesting phenomenon, and one that I think we still are grappling with in today’s society. Community helps bring out the face of the other—puts me into my falleness. Is this not Sartre’s conception of Bad Faith?
Augustine originally believe that good and evil both had a presence in the world until 383 where he had a shift in his belief and came to understand evil as a privation of good—something contingent and deriving it’s existence from the good. Evil is a privation of good and the good presupposed evil. The good remains—projects itself out in the world and allows for evil, but a return to the good breaks from this evil. Evil is possible in man through his ability to turn away from the good and to direct his life in ways that go against the good, such as stealing those peaches.
Happiness is wisdom for Augustine. Possesion is not external but the only thing we posses is our autonomy—our self. Here we find a Stoic influence, which tells us that the world outside of me is not me, the only thing I posses is my inner soul. WE ARE COMDEMED TO BE FREE! Conflict between freedom and necessity doesn’t truly exist; we are necessarily free.
Osama's Death
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Tertullian--kind of a jerk
In part I, Tertullian argues that we must turn to God, rather than to philosophers, for information about the soul. He proceeds to use an ad hominen circumstantial fallacy to discredit Socrates' arguments in the Phaedo. What an ad hominen circumstantial does, essentially, is argue that since the opponent has a certain inclination to argue in a certain way, his argument is invalid, all the while ignoring all the points of the opponents actual argument. Tertullian states that, "Socrates' constancy itself must have been shaken, as he struggled against the disturbance of the excitement around him," continuing on to write, "It is therefore not to be wondered at . . . in the face of death itself, [he] asserts the immortality of the soul by a strong assumption such as was wanted to frustrate the wrong (they had inflicted upon him). So that all the wisdom of Socrates, at that moment, proceeded from the affectation of an assumed composure rather than the firm conviction of ascertained truth." Wow. . . So basically, since Socrates was going to die, and because he was pissed off at people for sentencing him to his death, he was naturally inclined to argue that the soul is eternal. In fact, his whole argument is basically just a response to his desire to get back at people. . . This made me so mad. Socrates is the man.
The irony lies in the fact that this same tactic could so easily be reversed on Tertullian. People like to believe that life will continue after death, and that there is a nice place called heaven where Jesus, who saved us all from eternal damnation, is waiting with an open bar for all. Since Christian theology paints a pretty nice picture, i.e., since people like to believe in Christianity, then by Tertullian's own reasoning, Christianity is a hoax.
Furthermore, Tertullian's insistence that faith is the only path to truth is a questionable assertion at best. He argues this by claiming that all truth belongs to his religion, and therefore, is the product of this religion. God is the product of all truth, and therefore all those who have said something true were influenced by God. This is seriously messed up. This is like saying that the Native Americans lived in the United States. Tertullian is retroactively giving his religion credit for the achievements of thousands of years of "pagan" progress. Furthermore, how can faith possibly be more reliable than reason? To make any sort of determination, Tertullian must use reason. One cannot arrive at a conclusion, not even a conclusion that reason is inferior or insufficient or useless, without using reason.
Tertullian was writing rhetoric. He was fanatically and irrationally marketing a religion that deserved better.
Friday, April 29, 2011
God in a Coma

Today we talked about symbols and the generative power of symbols. I started to think how the symbols fit into a symbolic order, and through this symbolic order Christianity has defined and redefined itself on a basis of the power inherit, or lack of power, in the symbolic rituals of the church. So, my definition for the symbolic order comes out of Lacan: The social world of linguistic communication. intersubjective relations, knowledge of ideological conventions, and the acceptance of law (which Lacan calls the "big Other").
The example of Prof. Layne's son talking about symbols relates to this order. The child in consumed by language and accepts the rules, norms, and ideological consciousness of a certain society. Through this acceptance of the symbolic order, Simon (Prof Layne's son) is now able to relate to and deal with others and the authority they posses. Lacan gets a little messy when he starts pulling the symbolic order from the Oedipus complex, but even through dealing with this Oedipus complex, the name of the father, a likeness to Christianity and the conception of God as father arises. When I say the Name of the Father I mean that which mediates your desire and communication through restrictions and law--think of the Freudian superego. Language as the mediator of the symbolic gives us the human act par excellence, originally founded on the existence of the world of the symbol, specifically on the laws and contracts. Even in using the phrase par excellence I make a philosophical point through some sort of symbolic authority. Why do I even say par excellence in my pseudo french accent, when I could just as easily say it is the quintessential. By using the phrase par excellence I am taking from a linguistic terminology that symbolically represents an intellectual. I become what I want to be through the words and the symbolic authority I give to language I use and how I relate to it by relating to others. I want others to see me as a philosophical power, and the way they can perceive me in this way is through the words I use to paint a picture of myself.
Anyway, that tangent was going on for too long. The symbolic order in Christianity broke down during the Reformation, and a need to reinvent God and his rituals were called for. It seems like a lot of people in this class like Nietzche, and I think he realized this lack of symbolic authority of the Church in his proclimation, "God is Dead." God is Dead isn't a call for atheism, but we are given a break from the taditional Christian ideology and are introduced to a new form of belief. The thesis "God is Dead" is only one part of a two-fold thesis: "God is Dead" and "Christianity has survived the Death of God." Looking at the survival of Christianity despite the death of God can help to elucidate just what type of ideology has been functioning since the reformation.
Nietzche's affirmation concerns a symbolic God. The inherent power of God is stripped from the rituals of Christianity and we are left with a "dead God" we must power ourselves. In this death of the symbolic we can find the two formulations of God that have been functioning throughout the history of Christianity. There is the God of scientists, philosophers, and theologians, and there is the God of Job, Jacan, and Abraham. The first God functions as an ontological God within and the throughout the symbolic order of linguistics, law, and ideology; the God of Abraham functions as the Symbolic God--it is the excess of the symbolic which leads to Nietzche's death of God. The God referred to in the affirmation "God is Dead" is the God that powers the symbolic. This powerless God is robbed from the traditional Christian rituals and belief and in this void we find Christianity replacing God in the power of the symbolic.
The Reformation was a way for the Chruch to try to re-activate God in a new way that could survive the death of the symbolic God. Once rituals become powerless, new forms of worship begin to spring up without having to rely on a symbolic master. The power of the master was now in the hands of the people, and with this power new forms of prayer are no longer contingent on rituals.
The problem of the symbolic lack of power manifests itself as the empowerment of those who were once enslaved. This can also be seen through the Hegelian master-slave dialectic, which at its core claims that the master/slave power/powerless relationship is equally contingent on both parties. The lines between master and slave are ultimately blurred. Rituals that produce nothing due to the absence of the symbolic God shows us how the invisible scaffolding of our consciousness, our moral conception of life and will to believe, affirms this master-slave dialectic within the Christian fath. Using religion as a crutch is key to the survival of Christianity despite the "DEATH OF GOD." Using religion as a way to diminish your self and as a way to produce a sense of alienation as means to raise yourself up into the religious sphere is captured by the typical Christian rhetoric of "I am a sinner but in God I am saved." In this proclamation Christianity is able to elevate itself from a false sense of self worth into assimilation with God. This gives an excellent example, AN EXAMPLE PAR EXCELLENCE, of fetishistic disavowal at work after the "death of God": I know very well that the symbolic God is gone from the rituals and that I have to take the place of God by becoming my own God, but I nonetheless act as though the symbolic God still functioned as the generative power in the rituals and beliefs I uphold.
The discovery of God as a "power" is a major reason why Christianity was able to survive the death of God. Before the Reformation, the symbolic rituals created a way for people to connect to the God that is "beyond" our world. The rituals acted as a way for the two realms of existence, the earthly and the heavenly, to meet. Once the symbolic God was lost from the rituals, the God functioning as "power" takes on a whole new meaning. The way to reach "beoynd" into the other realm of existence is utterly unattainable. The symbolic no longer acts as the quilting point between realms, but it does feed on infinite passion to attain a higher level of being through religious experience. The new power no longer functions as generative but as accumulative. This accumulation of power created God again after the Reformation by keeping God at a distance. To get in touch with God we must function as passion for God. But this is too much philosophy for one blog post.
Ultimately, I am not trying to paint an atheists interpretation of Christianity. I actually think that the similarities between fundamentalist Christians and atheists are scary. The modern atheist can look at the proclamation "God is Dead" and find within it something he/she can support, but within this support there has to be an unconscious belief in God. This unconscious belief affects the modern atheist just as much as the conscious belief that God is dead, in the sense that there is a space in which God dwells. The atheist is a subject presenting him/herself as a tolerant hedonist dedicated to the pursuit of happiness, beauty, pleasure--a profound and naive romanticism maybe?--and their unconscious is the site of prohibitions: what is repressed is not illicit desire or pleasure, but suppression itself.
Hopefully you read all of that. Class isn't boring, it is just hard for me to give a synopsis of what happened without going off on tangents.